Monday, March 16, 2009

Microsoft: the Name Says it All!

There is a recent Microsoft television commercial that is truly terrifying, in my mind. A cute little seven-year-old girl uses her digital camera to take pictures in her room, then uses Windows Vista (arguably the world's crappiest operating system) to upload and composite her pictures. Then she smiles and says, gleefully, "I'm a PC and I'm only seven years old!"

Personally, I think that Microsoft Corporation should be prosecuted for child abuse for making this TV spot—exposing an innocent pre-teen to crappy Windows technology at that impressionable age is almost guaranteed to traumatize the poor little kid for life!

On a serious note, though, Microsoft needs to change their tagline to something more like:

Microsoft: Our Tentacles are in Everything
Microsoft: The World's Scariest Software Corporation

It is truly ridiculous that a software and media corporation could get that wealthy and powerful through an almost monopolistic market proliferation of sub-standard products!

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